
Lincoln's Grave Warning Realized

...a letter from President Abraham Lincoln to William F Elkins on 21 November 1864:

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country...corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."

Eight Principles of Uncivilization

by Paul Kingsnorth and Dougald Hine

‘We must unhumanise our views a little, and become confident
As the rock and ocean that we were made from.’

  1. We live in a time of social, economic and ecological unravelling. All around us are signs that our whole way of living is already passing into history. We will face this reality honestly and learn how to live with it.

  2. We reject the faith which holds that the converging crises of our times can be reduced to a set of‘problems’ in need of technological or political ‘solutions’.

  3. We believe that the roots of these crises lie in the stories we have been telling ourselves. We intend to challenge the stories which underpin our civilisation: the myth of progress, the myth of human centrality, and the myth of our separation from ‘nature’. These myths are more dangerous for the fact that we have forgotten they are myths.

  4. We will reassert the role of story-telling as more than mere entertainment. It is through stories that we weave reality.

  5. Humans are not the point and purpose of the planet. Our art will begin with the attempt to step outside the human bubble. By careful attention, we will reengage with the non-human world.

  6. We will celebrate writing and art which is grounded in a sense of place and of time. Our literature has been dominated for too long by those who inhabit the cosmopolitan citadels.

  7. We will not lose ourselves in the elaboration of theories or ideologies. Our words will be elemental. We write with dirt under our fingernails.

  8. The end of the world as we know it is not the end of the world full stop. Together, we will find the hope beyond hope, the paths which lead to the unknown world ahead of us.

The Dark Mountain Manifesto

Walking on lava

The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilisation
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Those who witness extreme social collapse at first hand seldom describe any deep revelation about the truths of human existence. What they do mention, if asked, is their surprise at how easy it is to die.

The pattern of ordinary life, in which so much stays the same from one day to the next, disguises the fragility of its fabric. How many of our activities are made possible by the impression of stability that pattern gives? So long as it repeats, or varies steadily enough, we are able to plan for tomorrow as if all the things we rely on and don’t think about too carefully will still be there. When the pattern is broken, by civil war or natural disaster or the smaller-scale tragedies that tear at its fabric, many of those activities become impossible or meaningless, while simply meeting needs we once took for granted may occupy much of our lives.

What war correspondents and relief workers report is not only the fragility of the fabric, but the speed with which it can unravel. As we write this, no one can say with certainty where the unravelling of the financial and commercial fabric of our economies will end. Meanwhile, beyond the cities, unchecked industrial exploitation frays the material basis of life in many parts of the world, and pulls at the ecological systems which sustain it.

Precarious as this moment may be, however, an awareness of the fragility of what we call civilisation is nothing new.

‘Few men realise,’ wrote Joseph Conrad in 1896, ‘that their life, the very essence of their character, their capabilities and their audacities, are only the expression of their belief in the safety of their surroundings.’ Conrad’s writings exposed the civilisation exported by European imperialists to be little more than a comforting illusion, not only in the dark, unconquerable heart of Africa, but in the whited sepulchres of their capital cities. The inhabitants of that civilisation believed ‘blindly in the irresistible force of its institutions and its morals, in the power of its police and of its opinion,’ but their confidence could be maintained only by the seeming solidity of the crowd of like-minded believers surrounding them. Outside the walls, the wild remained as close to the surface as blood under skin, but the city-dweller was no longer equipped to face it directly.

The remainder of the essay can be read online: Dark Mountain manifesto.

Paul is the author of One No, Many Yeses and Real England. He was deputy editor of The Ecologist between 1999 and 2001. His first poetry collection, Kidland, is forthcoming from Salmon Poetry. His website is www.paulkingsnorth.net

Dougald writes the blog Changing the World (and other excuses for not getting a proper job). He is a former BBC journalist and has written for and edited various online and offline magazines. His website is www.dougald.co.uk

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Editorial Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The "Eight principles of uncivilisation" are expanded in the Dark Mountain manifesto (also available as PDF or purchased as a limited-edition, hand-stitched pamphlet.

See the site for the blog and information about their upcoming festival May 28-30.

Several Energy Bulletin contributors are on their Blogroll, including John Michael Greer, Sharon Astyk, Rob Hopkins and Dmitry Orlov. Also mentioned are Wendell Berry and Ivan Illich.

George Monbiot recently wrote a column in the Guardian about Dark Mountain Project: I share their despair, but I'm not quite ready to climb the Dark Mountain.

On Common Dreams, Robert C. Koehler wrote a related piece: Dark Green.

Original article available here

Our American Objectives

"Our national goals must be to rejuvenate the domestic economy; transfer the economic basis of our nation from consumptive to productive; recapitalize education and the technologies industries; achieve complete energy independence; move towards renewable energy sources;
restore public confidence in the government's ability to undertake large national infrastructure projects, and re-assert its right to set goals and policies to ensure those projects proceed smoothly; define the overarching standards for a reconstructed America including a federal review of the building and planning codes now in use, and probably the writing of new mandates that set out 21st-century standards and priorities for energy use, urban and transportation planning, and environmental design, which once put into law and accepted into general use, will be very difficult to change; commit funding for a massive 10- or 20-year program that will upgrade or replace failing components of America's infrastructure as the nation is broke (as it was in FDR's day) and this kind of spending needs to be seen as the long-term investment in our economic future that it is; restore a fair, honest, broad-based system of public contracting that will put large numbers of Americans to work on these new projects (and write the new rules in a way that ensures that the firms doing the most innovative work don't have to compete with unfair behemoth corporations like Halliburton and Lockheed for the lion's share of the funding) so that once there is a healthy, competitive construction industry that knows how to build sustainable projects—and is relying on the government to keep it in business—we will get a political constituency that will fight to ensure that the rebuilding will continue for the next several decades, regardless of what political party is in power; use the forces of globalization and information to strengthen and expand existing democratic alliances and created new ones; employ these alliances to destroy terrorist networks and establish new international security structures; lead, through our historic principles, on international cooperative efforts in spreading economic opportunity and democratic liberties, nation building, counter-prolification, and optimum environmental protection and safeguards; and cherish, honor, and protect our history and traditions of liberty and freedoms domestically particularly with respect to the Bill of Rights."

"The renewed social contract for America with its middle class and poor must:
  • Raise the minimum wage still higher and on a regular basis. It has fallen far behind increases in inflation since the 1970s, and that affects higher level wages as well.
  • Encourage living-wage programs by local governments. Governments can demand that their contractors and suppliers pay well above the minimum wage. There is substantial evidence that this does not result in an undue loss of jobs.
  • Enforce the labor laws vigilantly. Minimum-wage and maximum-hour laws are violated to a stunning degree. American workers shouldn't be forced by their employers to understate the number of hours worked or be locked in the warehouse so they can't leave on time. Workers often make only $2 and $3 an hour.
  • Unions are not seeking a free pass to organize secretly when they advocate for open check-offs on cards to approve of a union vote. They are seeking to organize without persistent and often illegal management interference. Penalties for illegally deterring such organizing are so light, it makes little sense for management not to pursue strategies to stop organizing even at the cost of prosecution.
  • Request that trading partners develop serious environmental standards and worker-protection laws. This is good for them, bringing a progressive revolution and a robust domestic market to their countries. It is good for America, which will be able to compete on a more level playing field.
  • Demand that the president, governors and mayors speak up about unconscionable executive salaries and low wages. The influence from the top cannot be underestimated. A president who looks the other way sends a strong signal to business. A president who demands responsible treatment of workers will get a response. Business does not like such attention.
  • These measures should be accompanied by serious investment in modernized infrastructure and energy alternatives, which can create millions of domestic jobs that pay good salaries. It should also be accompanied by a policy that supports a lower dollar -- contrary to Rubinomics -- in order to stimulate manufacturing exports again. Accomplishing this may require a new system of semi-fixed currencies across the globe. The unabashed high-dollar policy of the past twenty years has led to imbalances around the world that have contributed fundamentally to US overindebtedness.
  • And finally, the nation needs more balance on the part of the Federal Reserve between subduing inflation and creating jobs. Americans can live with inflation above 2 percent a year. There is no academic evidence to support a 2 percent annual target, although the Fed has made this its informal target."

The Continuing Case for The Second Bill of Rights for All American Citzens

...from Michael Lind on Salon.com on 11 January 2010 ....

The Case for Economic Rights

FDR said it and it holds 66 years later: There are benefits and opportunities every American should expect to enjoy

Three score and six years ago, the greatest president of the 20th century gave one of his greatest speeches. On Jan. 11, 1944, in a State of the Union address that deserves to be ranked with Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" and King's "I Have a Dream" speech, President Franklin D. Roosevelt called for recognition of a "Second Bill of Rights." According to FDR:

"This Republic had its beginning, and grew to its present strength, under the protection of certain inalienable political rights -- among them the right of free speech, free press, free worship, trial by jury, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. They were our rights to life and liberty. As our nation has grown in size and stature, however -- as our industrial economy expanded -- these political rights proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness."

Roosevelt did not argue that economic rights had superseded basic, old-fashioned political and civil rights. The argument of authoritarians and totalitarians that economic rights are more important than non-economic liberty was abhorrent to him. Instead, with the examples of the fascist and communist regimes of his time in mind, he argued that the purpose of economic rights was to support and reinforce, not replace, civil and political liberties:

"We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. 'Necessitous men are not free men.' People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.

In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all -- regardless of station, race, or creed."

President Roosevelt was not promoting economic rights that were necessarily enforceable in court, but rather economic benefits and opportunities that every American should expect to enjoy by virtue of citizenship in our democratic republic. Many of the rights he identified have been secured by programs with bipartisan support. These include:

"the right to a good education" (the G.I. Bill, student loans, Pell Grants, Head Start, federal aid to K-12 schools) and

"the right of every family to a decent home" (federally subsidized home loans and tax breaks for home ownership). But even before the global economic crisis, the U.S. fell short when it came to full employment --

"the right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation"

-- and a living wage --

"the right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation."

Roosevelt's vision was controversial at the time and is contested today. When it comes to providing a safety net for Americans, there are three distinct paradigms, which I would describe as economic citizenship, welfare corporatism and faith-based charity.

Supporters of faith-based charity among "theoconservatives" such as Marvin Olasky argue that modern social insurance like Social Security and Medicare was a mistake. The medieval British and colonial American systems of relying on religious institutions to care for the sick and poor should have been continued and built upon, with government subsidies to "faith-based institutions."

The secular business-class right, however, has shown little interest in faith-based charity, perhaps because it is difficult for rent-seeking bankers, brokers and other private sector actors to extract huge amounts of money from tax-exempt church hospitals and church soup lines. The right's preferred alternative to the progressive vision of economic citizenship is what I call "welfare corporatism." Whereas economic citizenship views protection against sickness, unemployment and old age as entitlements of citizens in a democratic republic, welfare corporatism treats these necessities of life as commodities like groceries or appliances, to be purchased in a market by people who are thought of as consumers, not citizens.

Let's contrast ideal versions of the two approaches. In the ideal America of economic citizenship, there would be a single, universal, integrated, lifelong system of economic security including

single-payer healthcare,

Social Security, unemployment payments and

family leave

paid for by a single contributory payroll tax (which could be made progressive in various ways or reduced by combination with other revenue streams). Funding for all programs would be entirely nationalized, although states could play a role in administration. There would still be supplementary private markets in health and retirement products and services for the affluent, but most middle-class Americans would continue to rely primarily on the simple, user-friendly public system of economic security. As Steven Attewell points out, the Social Security Act of 1935 was intended not merely to provide public pensions for the elderly but to establish a framework for a comprehensive system of social insurance corresponding to President Roosevelt's "right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment." Attewell writes: "We need to go back to the original drawing board -- the Social Security Act of 1935 -- to finish the job it began and create a truly universal and comprehensive social welfare state."

In the utopia of welfare corporatism, today's public benefits -- Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance and, in a few states, public family leave programs -- would be abolished and replaced by harebrained schemes dreamed up by libertarian ideologues at corporate-funded think tanks like the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation. Tax subsidies would be funneled to insurance companies, brokers and banks. Social Security would be replaced by a bewildering miscellany of tax-favored personal savings accounts. Medicare would be replaced by a dog's breakfast of tax subsidies for purchasing health insurance and personal medical savings accounts. Unemployment insurance would give way to yet another Rube Goldberg scheme of tax-favored unemployment insurance accounts. As for family leave -- well, if you're not wealthy enough to pay out of pocket for a nanny for your child or a nurse for your parent, you're out of luck.

The strongest case for economic citizenship instead of welfare corporatism is economic. Economic citizenship is more efficient and cheaper in the long run, because the government need only meet costs, while subsidized private providers must make a profit. The Democratic and Republican supporters of welfare corporatism justify their system of massive subsidies for for-profit healthcare and retirement security with the claim that market competition will keep down prices. If only that were true. Competitive markets are probably impossible to create, in the highly regulated insurance sector and the highly concentrated financial sector that sells private retirement goods and services.

It follows that a policy of subsidizing oligopolies and monopolies, via government subsidies to consumers, in the absence of government-imposed price controls, is a recipe for cost inflation, as the providers jack up their prices, sending the consumers back to Congress to demand even more public subsidies. By its very nature, welfare corporatism funnels public resources, in the form of tax breaks, to rent-seeking, predatory firms in the FIRE (finance, insurance, real estate) sector, with ever-swelling dead-weight costs on the economy. Welfare corporatism equals corporate welfare.

Unfortunately, most progressives have failed to make the case against the libertarian myth of market competition in the provision of social insurance. All too many, including President Obama, have made the too-clever-by-half argument that the public option would keep prices down by means of market competition. In other words, the center-left has borrowed a bogus argument about competition from right-wing free-market fundamentalism in order to defend a token public program that ceased to be of any interest once Obama and the Democrats in Congress ruled that Americans with employer-provided insurance would be banned from joining the public option. When you're reduced to parroting the opposition's erroneous theories, in the process of begging for a slight modification of the opposition's pet program, you clearly don't have the nerve or the patience to play the long game in politics.

In a response to one of my earlier columns, Will Marshall wonders how I can dare to criticize the legacy of Bill Clinton, a Democrat. My reasons should be clear by now. I am not a partisan Democratic operative focused on winning the next election. I am interested only in strengthening the republic through a gradual expansion of economic citizenship in the tradition of Franklin Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights. If this means criticizing Democratic presidents who expand welfare corporatism instead of economic citizenship, so be it.

As part of his opportunistic policy of triangulation between his own party and the opposition, Bill Clinton joined the Republicans in a three-pronged assault on New Deal economic citizenship. He and the Republican Congress abolished Aid to Families With Dependent Children, a flawed and unpopular means-tested program for the poor that should have been reformed as a national program rather than turned over to the states as the neo-Confederate right insisted. Instead of piecemeal expansion of single-payer healthcare, Clinton pushed a version of employer-based welfare corporatism plus subsidies that came out of the playbook of moderate Republicans like Nixon. And we now know that Clinton secretly agreed to support Newt Gingrich's drive to partly privatize Social Security, in return for dedicating the federal government's imaginary future surpluses to what was left of Social Security. In 2005, Will Marshall argued in favor of private accounts, on the grounds that they would soften up Americans for cuts in Social Security: "If today's workers start saving and investing more in stocks and bonds, the returns they earn would allow us to trim their Social Security benefits later, without reducing their overall standard of living."

While George W. Bush pushed for partial privatization of Social Security, he failed because of massive public opposition. But Bush and the Republican majority in Congress succeeded in enacting the Social Security drug benefit, a flawed but genuine expansion of economic citizenship. Clinton is the only president to have successfully supported the destruction of a New Deal entitlement, while Bush presided over the greatest expansion of the Rooseveltian entitlement system since Lyndon Johnson passed Medicare.

For his part, Barack Obama, like Bill Clinton, rejected single-payer in favor of a moderately conservative welfare corporatist approach to healthcare reform. In contrast, Obama's proposal for student loan reform, an idea discussed in the Clinton years, would move in the right direction, away from welfare corporatism and toward economic citizenship, by replacing subsidized third-party lenders with direct government provision of student loans to needy college students.

Parties are coalitions of interest groups, they are not public philosophies, and presidents, great and minor, are and have to be opportunists. In contrast, reformers only have a chance of succeeding if they stick to their basic principles and keep their eyes on the prize. Progressives should support any politician, Democrat or Republican, who expands economic citizenship to the detriment of welfare corporatism, and they should oppose any politician, Democrat or Republican, who expands welfare corporatism to the detriment of economic citizenship.

Any more questions?

Monetary Cost of Iraq War

30 July 2008

Oil -- The Diminishing Output Outlook

Peak Oil is being debated across the planet and globe and has been for at least several years and probably longer. In spite of arguments against it, it seems all too probable global oil production has peaked and will start to noticeably decline within a decade. Most of the easily accessible oil has certainly already occured and most existing wells are near or past the point of having production increases. Calls by some to open up environmentally sensitive areas to drilling is not likely to occur not should it. The risks are far too great and the destruction to these treasures are not worth it. Policymakers, politicians, corporations, and citizens simply need to realize it is time to make an intense effort and investment into new mainstream fuels for transportation as well as the need to turn to other products for the byproduct consumer goods which oil and petroleum goods have increasingly supplied in the last half century and more. Some of the more promising alternatives for those consumer goods are from hemp and corn. Transportation alternatives for a fuel source to replace oil is a challenge but not insurmountable. Already promising findings exist with electricity, new battery technology, hydrogen, and even natural gas. The coming two to three decades will be a vital transition era from the energy of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to the those of the twenty-first century. The transition will not be easy and require increased expenses for consumers which may be too much for many to bear. Add in the vitally critical component of climate change and it makes the problems all the more challenging.

29 July 2008

Monday 28 July News Articles and Observations

Here are a couple of quick news articles and my brief observations on them.
A. Cassettes Disappearing into History
This is not surprising. About the only place I have seen cassettes of prerecorded music for sale in recent years has been at truck stops. Blank cassettes have all but vanished in most retailers. The product was great while it lasted and was quite functional, except when we all cursed when our cassette deck in our car stereos "ate" the cassette we were playing, leaving a mess to deal with and no way to repair the damage. It looks like CDs will follow cassettes within a decade as music from downloads and on flashdrives is the wave of the future.
B. LED Light Bulbs: The Way to Go for Future Lighting Needs

I am highly suspicious and wary of compact fluorescent light bulbs as replacements for the venerable incandescent bulb. There are serious environmental and safety concerns with CFLs, but it appears there is a better way arising with the LED light bulb. Hopefully they will become widely available and more affordable within the next several years as the incandescent bulb gets phased out from sale availability due to a recent federal law. I plan on hoarding some incandescent bulbs to make through the transition and beyond until LEDs get reasonable priced, which in my opinion is less than $5 per bulb.



C. Excellent Historical Analysis

Most of us are familiar with the term, "military-industrial complex", coined into the American consciousness by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1961 when he was about to leave office. However, most of us really cannot explain it or are aware of the historical context both before Eisenhower's warning or in the many years after. Chalmers Johnson, a long respected writer and author on US government follies, shenanigans, schemes, and treachery, does a superb job in trying to explain what it all means both in the past and more importantly, in the future. Be aware !



D. Not Likely to be Done Anywhere in the US Anytime Soon

The small German town of Freiamt has gotten it right in converting their energy needs community wide to a 21st century model of clean and renewable sources. It is a sure thing nothing like this will be seen in the US anytime in the next decade or two as King Coal and Big Oil have a lead pipe lock on community energy resources despite efforts to diversify into wind and solar. Wind and solar will have a presence nationally on a very micro level, but they will be insignificant on a macro level for quite some time still. This is quite unfortunate as a world dominated by coal and oil as energy sources will have dire and grave consequences for species across the globe and will hasten the downturn and inevitable collapse of civilization and society in the second half of the 21st century, bringing unimaginable horrors and destruction for many individuals globally.


26 July 2008

American Dreamtowns

Many Americans are tired of the rat race, the long expensive commutes, the diminishing quality of life, and general malaise now being experienced in cities, suburbs, and exurbs. Researchers regularly come out with lists of places that are better in every way and manner. Recently, Bizjournals has come out with their list of the 140 best dreamtowns to live in across the nation. Torrington, CT, is rated best. This small city of less than 200,000 is about halfway between Hartford and the New York border about 75 miles north of New York City. The list contains primarily towns east of the Mississippi River, as only a handful of towns in the Mountain states and Pacific time zone are included. Three of the top six are in Montana. The cities listed from the West:
02. Bozeman
05. Helena
06. Kalispell
08. Oak Harbor, WA
19. Truckee-Grass Valley, CA
37. Port Angeles, WA
41. Hilo, HI
42. Kahului-Wailuku, HI
52. Sierra Vista-Douglas, AZ
56. Eureka-Arcata-Fortuna, CA
57. Grand Island, NE
59. Stillwater, OK
62. Grants Pass, OR
64. Ukiah, CA
68. Twin Falls, ID
80. Centralia, WA
86. Albany-Lebanon, OR
93. Klamath Falls, OR
96. Pendleton-Hermiston, OR
97. Lufkin, TX
99. Roseburg, OR
111. Coos Bay, OR
115. Shawnee, OK
120. Moses Lake, WA
123. Lake Havasu City-Kingman, AZ
125. Aberdeen, WA
128. Athens, TX
130. Clearlake, CA
131. Gallup, NM [!?!]

A few of these places are on my list for possible relocations, and I am glad to see some of my higher listed choices did not make this list and gain any further publicity.

12 July 2008

Weekly News Articles Review

For the week of 6 to 12 July, here are some news articles that captured my attention and some brief observations concerning the articles. With the increased workload I now have, the opportunities to post on this blog are somewhat limited until further notice. I will collect news articles that catch my interest and put them into this summary about once a week instead of making daily individual posts. When September gets here, I may have more time to make posts; but until then, my workweek will be often in excess of 50 hours and will leave me fatigued and with limited focus to do the detailed work I have come to accomplish in the prior six months history of this blog.

A. California New Vehicles to be Labeled with Green Score

Hopefully this is the start of a significant trend, and vehicle advertising nationwide will include these scores to increase purchases of more environmentally responsible motor vehicles.



B. Albert Einstein on Socialism

The esteemed scientific genius makes a detailed and strong argument in favor of socialism over capitalism, and the experiences seen in recent years here in the US makes the case all that much stronger. The American model of capitalism is broken and utterly bankrupt in many ways.



C. The Truth or an Excuse

This essay tries to explain why solutions are so elusive to the problems and challenges in many places in the American West is due to a mindset of yesteryear that is often still prevalent among many leaders and policy implimenters. I agree, but decide for yourself.



D. The Obamacon Syndrome

It is interesting to see support for Obama coming from such an unlikely group of supporters, but the numbers will probably be rather small relative to those whom will support McCain or perhaps even Barr.



E. Chomsky on Bush-Cheney and their Iraq War

The esteemed professor's insights and observations are dead-on about the Iraq War and the reasons for the Bush - Cheney plans for the Middle East: It was all about the oil and the big money for them and their greedy cronies. And most of us with any kind of consciousness and intellectual insight pretty much knew this already and have since before the saber rattling began.



F. Zogby Outlook on Each State's Electoral Vote Outcome

All things remaining at least somewhat equal, it appears Obama is headed for a better than 2-1 win in electoral votes come November. But it is only mid July, after all...



G. Antarctic Wilkins Ice Shelf Nears Collapse

It was only a few years ago scientists believed this ice shelf would not be in danger of collapse until around 2075, maybe mid century at the earliest. Now it appears it could occur as soon as next winter (summer in the Southern Hemisphere). This Ireland-sized mass of ice will cause some rise in sealevels in a few years, perhaps as much as an inch or two. The big concern now has to be the status of the massive West Antarctic iceshelf. This half-continent sized mass should collapse within a decade which would really lead to sealevel increases of perhaps six inches.




H. America's Economic Crash Underway

The last two weeks have seen an intensification in the economic decline currently underway in the US. The stock market has tanked, energy prices continue to rise, and other key economic indicators continue to be strongly negative. Do not expect much different in the coming weeks and months. Most insiders and those with an understanding of the situation believe the worst is yet to come. Before September ends, look for the Dow to drop to near 9000 and probably below; the dollar to sink to past $1.65 against the Euro; oil prices to exceed $170 per barrel; unemployment to go past 7 % ( and in reality 15 % instead of those deceitful official numbers); many more foreclosures nationally; increased instances of bank failures; and inflation to continue to impact all goods and many services throughout the economy. Its going to be a hard hold long cold autumn and winter across the US for most of its citizens, and the new Obama administration will have its hands full trying to stop and reverse the downward trend in '09.



06 July 2008

Greed, Ineptitude, Insolence, Pride, and Foolishness

This article in the Sunday 6 July New York Times presents an excellent explanation on how and why the United States and its citizenry has gotten to point of the energy crisis we are now in. The causes are largely due to poor leadership in government and in business and corporations. Short term greed was placed as all important at the expense of vision, conservation, sensibility, and responsibility. The article contains a lot of comments from political and business officials that regret their poor actions and decisions in the last generation. Looking back and reflecting on the past will not change the near term, of course, and it is vital policy is put forth to come up with alternatives that will work for American citizens. There is no hope for lower gasoline prices; so new transportation fuel technologies must emerge and at a cost-efficient price for consumers. There is also no possible way to drill our way out of this crisis. Demand is only going to continue to skyrocket across the planet for oil, gasoline, and petroleum products. Concerning transportation, it is paramount to begin further widescale establishment of mass transit options for workers and travelers. Rail is the easy answer, as much of the rail infrastructure that supported passenger travel in the first half to two-thirds of the 20th century is largely still in place; however construction and expansion will be needed to bring the system to a greater level of efficiency and availability given modern technologies and lifestyles. This will not come quickly enough. It will be 10-15 years before a reasonable national train system will be largely operational. Funding for this new infrastructure will have to come from fuel taxes, corporate profits, and other creative revenue sources such as bonding to be repaid by users of transit. In the meantime, if citizens live in places where alternative transportation is lacking, there will continue to be largely one choice: drive an automobile. Making and distributing more highly fuel efficient vehicles is the first challenge to address, and it can be accomplished relatively quickly -- within 3-5 years. But driving a fuel efficient vehicle will require a change in lifestyles, habits, and attitudes of many. In conclusion, the article states there is no really easy fix to the energy problems facing the citizenry, and when you throw in the paramount issue of global warming into the mix, the challenges are only more enormous. So for now, try to live near a railline, move out of the exurbs and maybe even the suburbs, and plan on making sacrifices in lifestyles, recreation, and entertainment decisions.

05 July 2008

Equinox Voters: The Difference for Obama ?

John Zogby of Zogby International, a polling survey firm, has come out with a report that details where Obama might go to earn additional support if traditional blue collar Democratic constituencies who supported Hillary Clinton in the primary season fail to come around in enough numbers for Obama. Zogby describes two key electoral voters in two camps collectively as "Equinox Voters"; the title comes from these two groups, either Spring Aheads or Fall Backers. Obama has been placing some effort in recent months to gain support of these Spring Aheads, who are viewed as economic winners so far in the evolving economy. Much of these Spring Aheads reside in the Mountain Time Zone, southern Florida, parts of North Carolina, and southern New Hampshire, areas identified as relatively economically flourishing. Obama has made campaign stops in these areas move often that might have been originally expected. The Fall Backers are largely in areas that are in economic decline, such as Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, and other states that went strong for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries. Obama has spent less time in these states campaigning in the last two months than might be originally anticipated. The campaign strategy of Obama and his message seems to a natural one for both groups, but whether or not he can motivate both groups to vote for him in the general election is a challenge his campaign is undertaking, and it seems likely he will see success with this strategy.

Forbes' Twenty Best Counties to Raise a Family

A subjective study and survey of the best counties across the US for raising a family has been just released. The researchers used a variety of criteria to make their findings. Among them included population size, property tax support of public education, high SAT scores, cost of living, graduation rate, standardized scores, home price, property tax rate as a percentage of median home price, percentage of homes occupied by owner, per-capita income, air quality, crime rate and commute time. Virtually every county recognized is at least a suburb or exurb of a major metropolitan area.
20) Norfolk County, MA ( northwest of Boston)
19) Sarasota County, FL (south of Tampa Bay)
18) Minnehaha County, SD ( north of Sioux Falls)
17) Howard County, MD (southwest of Baltimore)
16) Somerset County, NJ (southwest of Newark and NYC)
15) Marin County, CA (north of San Francisco)
14) Collin County, TX ( north of Dallas)
13) Abemarle County, VA (northwest of Richmond)
12) Washington County, RI (south of Providence)
11) Martin County, FL (north of West Palm Beach)
10) Chester County, PA (west of Philadelphia)
-9) Montgomery County, PA (northwest of Philadelphia)
-8) Waukesha County, WI (west of Milwaukee)
-7) Hunterdon County, NJ (northwest of Trenton)
-6) Morris County, NJ ( northeast of Newark and NYC)
-5) Delaware County, OH (north of Columbus)
-4) Geauga County, OH (east of Cleveland)
-3) Johnson County, KS (southwest of Kansas City)
-2) Ozaukee County, WI (north of Milwaukee)
-1) Hamilton County, IN (north of Indianapolis)

04 July 2008

Recommended Book for Reading

The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker, by Steven Greenhouse.

This recently published book provides a lot of hands-on information on the harsh effects and consequences of global trade policy on American workers as a result of trade treaties and agreements in the last two decades. Much of this was entirely foreseeable, but it is far worse than many originally imagined. Anyone with any sensibility could see foreign trade agreements would have the effect of lowering the standard of living for Americans far more so than raising the standard of living for foreigners in other nations. It was not going to be a case of raising all boats, but instead, lowering the highest boats. Corporations and governments have sure destroyed things, chief among them the American ideal of a better life for the next generation, in just two decades.

01 July 2008

Fox News on the Decline

Recent analysis of ratings show a decline for Fox News, the rightwing mouthpiece of Conservatives, the religious right, and the Bush Junta. It seems more viewers of satellite/cable news are switching away from FNC and going over to either CNN or MSNBC. Why the change ? It is likely due to FNC becoming old hat and being increasingly recognized as being an agent for the Bush Junta and other GOP supporting types in a time when those individuals and organizations are increasingly becoming discredited as well as blamed for the widespread malaise and collapse economically going on nationally as well as the unmitigated disaster that is the US Foreign Policy in recent years. Add in the skyrocketing price of oil and FNC's consistent support of corporations like those that peddle petroleum products, and its a perfect storm for the downturn of FNC. Unfortunately, FNC will not be dying as the channel will likely be the voice for the opposition and the minority after the general elections.


Two Views on Obama and His Public Policy Direction

There is a rising concern among many supporters of the likely Democratic Party presidential nominee Barack Obama on what his domestic public policy will be in a number of different areas. Many feel Obama is likely to adapt a centrist approach much like Bill Clinton did during his presidency, while others feel Obama will adapt a more progressive approach in the tradition of Franklin D Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Lyndon Johnson. Concerns are legitimate on both sides of this debate. One thing to keep in mind is the likely and logical strategy that Obama will employ during the upcoming general elections campaign will be one balanced more to the middle as to draw support from Independents and dissatisfied/disillusioned Republicans. If Obama comes across to some as being too much to the left, he stands to alienate those potential voters which will result in them not voting or choosing McCain. A carefully worded and planned strategy to the middle will help Obama, as his campaign is not concerned with mobilizing the vote within his own party. McCain will do much the same thing, as he will stay to the right on many issues vital to GOP voters and move only ever so slightly to the middle to draw in those Independents, older voters, and Southern Whites. If Obama wins in November, expect his administration to be more progressive than centrist; if McCain ends up winning, his presidency will be more centrist than solidly right as the George Bush years have been. But it is unlikely Obama will be as progressive as many Democrats would hope that he could be, as politics and pragmatism on his part will at least somewhat prevent it.

New Kind of Milk Jug on the Horizon

The containers used for a gallon quantity of milk have been much the same for over 25 years, and probably longer. The squat plastic jug replaced the glass gallon jug sometime in the 1970s and has been a familiar sight in stores and homes throughout the nation and beyond. These containers were reusable after their contents - be it milk, juice, beverage, or water - were consumed as funnels, storage containers, weights with gravel and sand for outdoor purposes, or any number of other applications created by individuals. Now it a change in packaging is on the way and the new containers will sit taller, be less wide, and be sturdier. These will make shipping, delivery, and stocking of milk and other beverages in these new containers more efficient and cost effective. The change also means the end of the venerable milk crate, a part of the dairy industry for generations and an easy product for consumers to use for storage and even display of household items of all kinds. Look for an industry wide adoption of this new packaging within the next year to two throughout the nation which will also mean new display shelving and materials for these products in stores throughout the nation and beyond as well.

Excellent News from Big Sky Country

News from Montana today is the agreement for the purchase and preservation of forest lands scattered in Southwest Montana that exceeds 500 square miles and is roughly one-third the size of Rhode Island. The Nature Conservancy and The Trust for Public Land are acquiring the land with its forest resources from Plum Creek Timber, a land and forestry baron of the Northwest based out of Seattle. A novel creative financing arrangement that involves the federal government will ensure these important lands will be protected from development and provide for better corridors for wildlife, particularly grizzly bears and wolves. It is expected land transactions of this kind will become more common with the unique new tax financing program that enabled this land preservation transaction in Montana to occur. Much of the land is near Missoula and northwest of Butte, as well as along the Idaho border west of Missoula and southeast of Libby.